For the 4-dimensional vertical quadrotor, we learn an expert policy and its associated almost-barrier.
However, on the (0, 0) velocity and angular velocity slice the almost-barrier requires extensive patching
using HJ-Patch as we see below. At each iteration, our algorithm
selects a subset of the boundary states to update and performs standard reachability on these
states. The safety guarantees hold independently of the amount of patching that has to be
Likewise, for the 6-dimensional planar quadrotor, we learn an expert policy and its associated almost-barrier. At moderately high positive velocities and angular velocities, the x-y plane slice requires a moderate amount of patching to retain safety. Due to our 1-1 comparison with global reachability, we show the results for low grid density, where we observe oscillations in the active set. At convergence, the patched barrier function has a higher level of safety than the global value function, likely because the low grid density of both methods causes some numerical instability.
author = {Tonkens, S. and Toofanian, A. and Qin, Z. and Gao, S. and Herbert, S.},
title = {Patching Approximately Safe Value Functions Leveraging Local Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability Analysis},
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}
year = {2024},